Sunday, June 5, 2011

January, 2011

Would you like a fresh cup of tea?

Or perhaps a snail?

Instant adoption and mothering of Zachary's soft toys.

Quotes for Jan:

"To infinity, and beyond!" (jumps off couch with one finger pointing upwards)

"What's the dirt doing?"

Likes to call everything "cute".

Getting the hang of using the potty.

J: (looking at herself in a hand-held mirror)

Me: How do you look?

J: (turns the mirror to me so I can see for myself)

Byron: Jasmine? How about we get married?

J: No thankyou. I'm dancing.

J: (frowning) Mummy? You're not Byron, are you?

1 comment:

kelgell said...

He he. There's some funny quotes in this one. Wonder what she's actually thinking...

Cute pics too. She's changing quite a bit in the last few months.