Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Autumn, 2014

March, April, May 2014

Scarf made from the leftover wool she dyed for her last birthday jumper.

Plait waves.

Out shopping with Mum.

Being brave at Shania's party

Running under the sprinklers after school.

Summer, 2013-14

December, January, February

At the Melbourne Zoo for Dad's birthday.

 First Day of School.

Spring, 2013

September, October, November 2013

Fun helping Dad with fencing

Fun with Zac. Hehe.

Subway after swimming with Mum.

Canola, and a new haircut.

Winter, 2013

June, July, August 2013

"It's my party, and I'll make everyone wear my tiara if I want to." Jasmine took most of these pics.

Six years old!

Favorite book for a long time.

Brand new First Bike.

Unicorn cake.

Playing at Byron's school.

Super squishy mud!

Painting at kinder. Can write her name.